【学术讲座】Connecting the Dots, Empowering AI Landing人工智能+金融科技

创建时间:  2019年12月18日 00:00  费妮娅   浏览次数:   返回

上 海 大 学 经 济 学 院
主讲题目Connecting the Dots, Empowering AI Landing人工智能+金融科技
主讲人李晓林博士,University of Florida,教授
时 间:2019年12月19日上午10:00
地  点校本部东区经管楼567会议室
主 办:威斯尼斯人5158cc
报告简介:This talk will introduce artificial intelligence, deep learning, and FinTech applications. As the data privacy and regulation becomes critical, e.g., CDPR (China Data Protection Regulations) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), it calls for a paradigm shift in big data and AI applications. In the meantime, the current Artificial Intelligence deeply depends on the diverse and broad datasets. This talk will introduce our knowledge federation framework (iBond) to connect data islands, protect data privacy, and empower AI landing in finance and business applications.
报告人简介:Dr. Xiaolin Andy Li is Head of Tongdun AI Institute and VP of Tongdun Technology. AI Institute is missioned to pioneer in fundamental research and empower a broad spectrum of AI applications. AI Institute is composed of divisions of deep learning (machine learning, reinforcement learning, federated learning), computer vision, natural language processing, intelligent interaction (intelligent speech), and AI platforms and operating systems. He was a Professor and University Term Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering at the University of Florida. As the founding director, he founded National Science Foundation Center for Big Learning, the first national center on deep learning in USA, along with UF as the lead, CMU, U. Oregon, and UMKC, supported by NSF and over 30 industry members. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings, 5 books, and 4 patents. He received a PhD degree in Computer Engineering from Rutgers University. He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and several best paper awards (IEEE SECON 2016, IEEE ICMLA 2016, ACM CAC 2013 and IEEE UbiSafe 2007).

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